

Retorikbyrån I got the mission to photoshoot behind the scenes images for Retorikbyrån Susanne Hedin. She was holding a webbinar regarding speech and rethorical strategy around digital meetings, and wanted images of her in-action to promote her business and future...
Mercedes Vårfest 2019

Mercedes Vårfest 2019

Mercedes Malmö – Vårfesten 2019 When Mercedes Malmö had their annual spring party in 2019, I had the honor to document the spectacular evening! For all images, head to Mercedes Malmö’s facebook album! Back to Photography Portfolio Back to Photography...
Svedala Företagsmässa 2019

Svedala Företagsmässa 2019

Svedala Företags-mässa 2019 The 12th of April 2019 was the Svedala Business Fair, where many local companies, international organisations and young entrepreneurs from JA Sweden exhibited for the public to come and enjoy. The organizing party of the business fair gave...